Saturday, January 30, 2010

Not that I think Obama is doing a spectacular job as president. I voted for Hillary. When Obama won the Dems nomination, I had no choice but to support him. The alternative was just unacceptable. Besides, everyone hung the mantle of "hope" on the broad and difficult a thing is that to deliver? That being said, I am becoming more of an Obama supporter out of spite for the Republican party. The health care movement has been stripped bare of anything substantial already and Republicans are still trying to kill it. Correction...they are trying to kill it, grind it up into hamburger, and feed the meat to stray dogs. What absolutely kills me is that Americans have believed the flat out lies that were told and spread about the original bill, leading eventually to it's demise. We continue to be our own worst enemy. I wish we could all leave poor Brad and Anjelina alone for five minutes and do some research about the real contents of the bill as well as do some fact checking on the claims made by politicians, talk show hosts, and spin doctors.