Thanks be to God. The National Catholic Reporter and the Catholic Health Organization have endorsed the health care bill. They are apparently taking some flak because the bill supposedly funds abortions. Not true. There is specific language against federal funds being used for abortion. This was just another handful of mud being thrown at the wall to see if it sticks. The campaign against health care reform has been nothing but fear mongering and flat out lies.
It's a little insulting to any group of people to assume that they all think and vote alike. Catholics, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Women, and blue collar workers, all have plenty in common with their respective groups, but they don't think, feel, and vote in lock step. As a Catholic, I alternate between cringing and cheering regarding the official views of the church on any particular subject. Why should a health care bill that may or may not use taxpayer money to pay for abortions be any different? Catholic Bishops are not officially on board with this bill because it is not the ideal bill and because they are convinced that people may be paying for abortions with their insurance premiums. True, community health clinics will receive funds, and Planned Parenthood is a community health clinic, but Planned Parenthood is not an abortion factory. I don't believe that all Planned Parenthood clinics even provide abortions. They do provide birth control, counseling and other services that some women (those with no health insurance) would not otherwise have access to.
This was the last mud pie in the arsenal, and it doesn't look like it's going to stick. Death panels, fines for people not participating in the new "socialized medicine", hired screaming mad constituents, the latest commercials claiming that this bill is being rammed down America's throat, and now, the ultimate weapon......just tell America that this bill funds abortions and it will go down like a lead balloon. Thank God that the NCR , CHO and the women's religious groups that also endorsed this bill had the courage to act on the facts, and not run at the mention of abortion and health care bill in the same sentence.
Let's not forget that part of health care is reproductive care. Would we really tank this bill because Planned Parenthood may receive federal funds? Planned Parenthood provides reproductive care to women who cannot get it from any other provider. Would we really deny so many Americans a chance to have health care insurance because an organization that provides abortions may receive funds? Even with specific language that forbids the funds from being used for abortion? This bill is not being rammed down our throats. Universal health care was one of the planks in candidate Obama's campaign. This is not a new or surprise concept. He campaigned on universal health care, among other things, and was elected to the Presidency. The American people spoke more than a year ago and they overwhelmingly voted to change the health care system in America.
Because of all the accusations of sexual abuse and the settlements that appear to confirm guilt, it hasn't been easy for Catholics lately. Our political beliefs, social status, educations, and ethnic backgrounds are many and span a huge spectrum. What unites us are the broad ideas like God, Jesus, Mary, the Holy Spirit, love, forgiveness, justice, and charity. It would be monumental for Catholics if we could all unite in support of a bill that helps those who are in need and rights some definite and serious wrongs in the system. Part of the Catholic mission here in the states and abroad is( and has been for years) providing healthcare to those who would otherwise do without. I hope that American Catholic Bishops will add their endorsement to this bill and encourage Catholics to support it. It would go a long way in repairing my wounded Catholic pride.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
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