Friday, February 26, 2010

Visit this link and see if you think Representative Trent Franks is a loon.

Well, I have to agree that abortions are never a happy event and I for one would be happy if they never happened. However, I support a woman's right to make that decision for herself, since she is the one who will carry, deliver, and possibly raise the child alone. That being said, I have a few issues with the Congressman on this subject. For instance....does he support sex education? I know that we all want to think that our little darlings are innocent and won't have sex until they are much older, but let's face it. Children and adolescents are being pounded by media images (including song lyrics) that scream SEX every day of their lives. They are already hormonal and ready to jump in and experiment. We don't need to push them along by dressing them to look sexy or by encouraging young boys to become sexually active to prove their manhood. By the way, teaching and encouraging young boys to "conquer" girls sexually is not going to establish the "correct" sexuality. If a child is going to be gay, there is nothing you can do to stop it.

We should be educating adolescents about the risks of sexually transmitted diseases, the most effective methods and dangerous myths about birth control, and the emotional toll that sex and sexual relationships can take. Some object to sex education because they feel that children are being taught to have sex. Not true. I was educated on the workings of the body and different birth control methods and I can not remember the teacher ever once recommending that we go out and try out our new skills. Kids need to know what can happen if they have sex and they need to know that they are not emotionally or financially ready to face some of the consequences. Parents, teachers, guardians and mentors should aggressively discourage their adolescents and teens from sexual activity. This includes girls and boys.

I cannot confirm or dispute the Congressman's statistic about half of all Black babies being aborted. Are Black children an "endangered species"? I think that one is also debatable. People in all demographics should have access to birth control and sex education. In a society where every one is truly equal, everyone has the same opportunity to be educated, no matter what the subject matter. Most importantly, the buck stops with the parents, since they are the major role models in a child's life.

I also am a little confused by the "abortion President" label. Has the President signed any new bills into law that ease regulations on abortion? If anything, more restrictions are being placed on women's health care and parental planning. The American Pharmacist's Association has a policy that says that pharmacists can refuse to give prescribed birth control on moral grounds. If we are trying to reduce the number of abortions performed, shouldn't we be encouraging the use of birth control? The hypocrisy of this policy is mind blowing. How many times have pharmacists turned away a patient who was picking up his Viagra?

Rush Limbaugh has a passion for humanity?.Rep. Franks had 11 surgeries before he was born? African Americans are worse off today than under slavery??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Shackles, A disease filled, miserable ride across the ocean, back breaking work, physical abuse, rape, humiliation and the total loss of identity? Wow, that does sound appealling. How did this man get elected? I don't think anyone should lose their job because of something they said. This is America and free speech is one of our dearest civil rights. I am going to call for the Senator's resignation, however, on the grounds of gross stupidity. Congressman, you are an ignorant moron. Shut up, go home, and stay there.

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